Saturday 27 January 2007

What The Bleep Do You Know?

I think this film sums up a lot of what has been happening in my mind lately. We may live in a holodeck type environment and our actions are related to cause and effect. This applies across all dimensions and possiblities. If we all believe 100% that we are all hooked up in a matrix then we will be hooked up to a matrix (until a stronger paradigm comes along). If we start to address the environment as a species we will have a greater change of reducing population, pollutants and global warming. If we sit there with scattered thoughts whilst a small number of people control things (as the current case) then they will have 100% control of our future.

What this film does very well is explain the main cutting edge scientific ideas of quantum theory, emotion and consciousness through an integrated panorama of analogies, narrative and scientific explanation. It is easy to understand yet provokes those wow and eureka moments that are so lacking in much of modern society today. Addiction, religion, decision making and influence by human will (real magic) are explored. Things become stranger and stranger the deeper we look into them. Matter appears insubstantial because we are looking for smaller and smaller components until nature cannot become smaller (hence the fuzziness). Similarly, the deeper we look into the rabbit hole the stranger reality becomes. For what is realty but an illusion generated by mind?

I believe that anything is possible but also that nature in lazy in its presentation of the universe. For example, it is entirely credible to think that our world reality is a series of ideas generated by the mind and anything not directly perceived does not physically exist at the moment where it is out of focus. So, all those alternative realities and those aliens we are searching for do not exist until we believe, as a collective consciousness, that they do. This applies to ideas, dreams and physical reality alike. Quantum theory is the science of conceptualising phenomena that we would otherwise think of an act of God or that which we lack dieect proof of existing.

Time is an illusion. It is an illusion that gives life meaning and outside of time there is an eternal moment where all of space and possibilities (results of decisions and karma) exist. Our mind persists in eternity but requires a body and brain to experience and become alive. After death and during sleep (or sensory deprivation or mind altering drugs) the apparently solid physical reality is replaced by that the mind craves. So naturally most minds crave to be reborn in another body after this one dies. A ghost in a machine without the machine is just a ghost. This may still influence animate and other natural objects but in the main a soul (the part of the mind that exists eternally) finds another body or reality to exist - usually through the process of rebirth.

This programme is American and so can put a lot of people off. There should be more films like this made specifically for each culture and religion so that the core ideas can be explored in the context of that which the viewer is most comfortable with and most willing to push the boundaries and seek change.

"What the BLEEP Do We Know!?" resources:

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