Thursday, 19 April 2007

Ultimate Observer

According to quantum mechanics reality consists of probabilities and possibilities that collapses to the real only when a conscious mind makes an observation. However, the conscious mind with all of its observations is not realised until a second mind observes it. The second mind in turn needs a third observer to become real who needs a fourth onto infinitum. This could to relevent to Samsara (suffereing through endless rebirth since begginingless time).

According to Wigner this paradox is only resolved at the end of time when an ultimate observer (final mind) would make the final observation of all, terminating the chain of possibilities that reached back to the birth of the universe. In that instant the history of the present with all the suffering and wars would be eliminated and everyone living would be in an optimal history.

If this is the case then how could we tell whether, in an eternal sense, this has or has not already happened. Could it be that the ultimate observer is a future human or a collective mind transcending time (such as that attained by enligtenment)? Then why are we experiencing so much suffering as a species and what happens when things fit into place? Unless of course it has already happened and optimal relates to the human (or higher) species as a whole and not to individuals. This may also help to explain the lack of aliens in the physical universe and the harshness of the environment of space.

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