Tuesday 31 July 2007

Analogy Seeks Description

In Buddhism there are different realms of Samsara. As we live in the human realm, we can only normally detect the human and animal realms. Now when we dream we touch the other realms such as nightmares (hell realms), transformations (animal realms), ghosts, superhuman powers and feeling of invincibility/eternity (god realm) and even those without form.

To perceive these in the real world it works thus:

Hell: distortion of reality from sleep deprivation (collapse of the real and the imaginary collide), also seeing deformed figures and forms in art and nature as well as bad trips
Hungry Ghost Realm: This is intense starvation but may the ghosts that people sometimes be a possible vision of this realm?
Animal/Human: Direct senses, shapeshifting may have more direct facility to animals but why try to change the physical reality when the mind can jump across (by magical intent)
DemiGod/God: This is an interesting one for it could be the pyramid up to the Illuminati (or controlling powers human or non-human). By understanding more and more of what goes on we see this more clearly.

Same space is occupied by all but our senses take out what we are not supposed to or do not want to see. If our perception of reality collapses then everything may get confusing.

Birth-ageing-death-bardo-rebirth: We slip through this all the time when we go to sleep and dream. We experience miniture death (sleep) and miniture rebirth (dream) before another miniture death and another dream or rebirth back to life (waking). There are techniques and chemicals that may make all this as real if not more so than real life.

Nirvana/Enligtenment: We stop all of this and become one with the universe for eternity helping all. A consequence of this is freedom from suffering and losing the individuality that is the cause of suffering. An intent to help others induces the virtue to stop self cherishing and speed up the process. There is a science for this and not just a philosophy. Its a quantum science of mind and consciousness that can be translated from Buddhist texts and experiments derived from.

Saturday 21 July 2007

New Meta-physical Questions

Some burning questions and potential theories about the nature of reality, mind and the universe:

(1) Cosmic microwave background radiation. This remnant of the origin of the universe has had 14 billion years to evolve if it is complex enough for a degree of intelligence to develop. Also, if anything can pass from a previous universe then it would manifest in the background radiation and may even be responsible for the clumpiness that has led to the formation of galaxies and an imprint arising in a slight favour of matter over antimatter. If there is intelligence there then could it influence mind and technology (through patterns on the white noise)?

(2) It is interesting to find that some psychological and medical experiments indicate that mind (at a level of consciousness equivalent to the soul) does not entirely exist in the confines of the brain or body. Looking at Buddhism and karmic imprints it may be the case that our mind at a fundamental (or very subtle) level does endure indefinately.

(3) Vacuum energy is the energy created as a function of the instantaneous creation and destruction of fundamental particles at extremely small (Planck) scales. Is it possible the creation and destruction of the quantum foam is like the idea of dependent origination / emptiness encountered in Buddhism? To interfere with this may cause a fluctuation creating another universe or void-energy (like a miniture black hole). It would be subject to Heisenburgs Uncertainty Principle and may be what the brain uses at a fundamental level to decohere thoughts and link consciousness with the physical world.

(4) I would have thought that matter collapsing to form a black hole never creates a singularity. This would be a combination of very strong vacuum energy forces and time dilation effects. Also, gravity would seal such an event within an event horizon thus protecting our universe. This collapse would rebound at a critical density and explode (like miniture black holes do anyway) and time dilation working in reverse would leak the radiation out (as is observed with Hawking radiation) until the mass gets smaller and smaller and the event horizon closer and closer to the centre. Stripping way the event horizon would have little effect because of the gravity bending light inwards counteracting the speed of the explosion outwards. The only case where an actual singularity may form would be if enough matter collapsed to overcome the vacuum energy (quantum energy effects) and tunneling may occur before this threshold to create a new universe.

(5) We need a theory that covers the Relativity of all phenomena. This would extend Einstein's theory of General Realtivity to prove that everything lacks the properties of intrinsic reality, intrinsic objectivity, intrinsic identity and intrinsic referentiality - the lacking of static essence or substance). This would fit in not just with Buddhism but with current ideas about the quantum nature of phenomena and the lack of finding where the mass of an object comes form at a subatomic scale.

Of course all this is conjecture. We would need a theory of quantum gravity and unification of all the forces (the four physical forces of nature and the other non-physical or undiscovered forces of nature and consciousness) to even begin to answer such questions.

Remembering that only physical matter and energy are constrained by the limits and bounds of time and space we can use consciousness to travel instantly around and through every conceivable possibility. This includes ideas, dreams but also potentially across time and communicate with aliens without taking machines or bodies across space. No aliens in space - I wonder why? Yet how often do we communicate with other creatures and do impossible things when asleep or dying?

In fact it could be said that our minds operate along different 'dimensions' to our bodies with the brain as an interface to interact in this world. When dreaming we lose knowledge of out physical body and may generate an alternative body or drift between worlds without taking up a body. Of course without a brain all gross memories and experiences are lost. Yet what is that part of mind that transfers to another body through a bardo state that experiences the effects of past existence without remembering details of a previous life (unless the transference is quick enough for some memory to hold)?

Wednesday 11 July 2007


Building character profiles from real life experiences. The extending them in situations with dialogue. Scenarios and descriptive writing. Experiment with one or two short stories.