Tuesday 27 February 2007

Cosmological Questions

Below are some questions about our universe and phenomena that I would like to research and find answers to:

- What is the shape of the universe? I have always thought the visible universe to be a 4-dimensional hypersphere of space time (3 space, 1 time) but this may not be the case. Why?

- Could the microwave background as imaged by COBE or WMAP be a signature not just of the big bang but contain a quantum level message from the creator of the universe?

- If the universe can into existence from a quantum tunneling event from a false vacuum and thought is a quantum event could it be possible that the universe is an idea and our thoughts and dreams create low probability parallel universes?

- Can it be mathematically or scientifically proven that consciousness can influence reality?

- What is the process whereby an accurate simulation of the universe can be generated with all the known physical laws and how would this be distinguishable to an observer inside that universe to what we see in our own universe?

Thursday 1 February 2007

Gaia and consciousness

I believe that James Lovelock's Gaia hypothesis may explain much of the phenomena around us. For a start it helps us to see the world as a connected planet and provides an alternative viewpoint that incorporates both natural selection and intelligent design. As the planet grew and life started then maybe Gaia became aware and directed the increase in complexity of life on this planet including the structure of DNA and the human brain. She may be connected to galactic consciousness (maybe the whole universe is part of one giant entity) and we may be part of panspermia. I can see rapid development in terraforming technology in the next few decades as a reaction to our effect on the climate. I can also see Gaia creating a virus or disease to cull, elimate or drive man from this planet.

In addition to this I believe that we as human beings serve a greater purpose than watching TV and working dull and dreary jobs. The issue of personal and communal freedom only becomes apparent if we treat each other and the world without respect. Unfortunately this is what we are doing at the moment with wars, poverty and political deception. In fact the more we seek power and status the less we are in fact free. By destroying the planet's resources we are destroying ourselves. If we treated each other equally and lived in harmony with the environment then there would be less need for wealth and power and we would be happier, healthier and more in touch with the Earth.

Wouldn't it be great if we could communicate with Gaia via the Internet or even decode hidden cosmic messages from earlier collective consciousnesses that may be hidden in the cosmic background radiation?

I have a great idea to write a story and article about human technology and the mind of Gaia. Issues to consider would include what would happen if the mind of Gaia took over the Internet, the role of extraterrestial intelligences and how fragile is the human race on this Earth?

More about Gaia and Lovelock can be found at:
